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How to Restrict Setlists to Specific Songs on BookLive

Restricting setlists to specific songs on BookLive ensures that you and your clients only select music that works for the particular performance. This feature is especially useful when you have different group configurations, such as duos, quartets, or larger ensembles, and want to prevent the selection of songs that aren’t suitable for the chosen configuration.


• Ensures song selections are appropriate for the specific performance.

• Prevents clients from choosing songs that don’t match the booked configuration.

• Streamlines the setlist creation process by filtering out irrelevant songs.


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

• An active BookLive account.

• Your act set up on BookLive.

• A performance added to your calendar on BookLive.

• Group configurations and song tags set up for specific configurations.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Log into Your BookLive Dashboard

• Open your web browser and go to BookLive Login.

• Enter your email and password.

• Click the “Log In” button to access your dashboard.

2. Set Up Group Configurations

• Ensure your act has group configurations set up in BookLive.

• Tag specific songs with the appropriate configuration (e.g., “Duo,” “Electric Piano”).

3. Navigate to the Performance Timeline

• Open the performance for which you want to restrict the setlist.

• Go to the “Timeline” tab, where your timeline should already be set up.

4. Restrict Songs to Specific Configurations

• Scroll down to the bottom of the “Timeline” tab.

• You will see two options: “Allowed Song Lists” and “Group Configurations.”

• Allowed Song Lists: Choose specific folders that clients can pick from (e.g., “Top 200 Most Popular Songs”).

• Note: This is optional, and many users may not use this feature.

• Group Configurations: Click the plus sign (+) next to “Group Configurations.”

• A dropdown will appear with the different configurations you’ve tagged your songs with.

• Select the appropriate configuration (e.g., “Electric Violin”) and click “Add.”

• This will restrict all song selections to the songs within the selected configuration for this performance.


You’ve successfully restricted the setlist for your performance to specific songs that match the chosen group configuration. This ensures that both you and your clients only pick songs that are suitable for the performance, streamlining the setlist creation process.

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